Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Ciabatta is an Italian bread. It is very thin and crusty. I baked two plain loaves and two olive and rosemary. My friend Moyed provided the fresh rosemary. I used a little commercial yeast along with a sourdough starter that I made with flour, water and organic grapes.


MJN6 said...

Yum! Yum! I just feel the calories going to my hips just looking at the picture :)

sara jackson said...

The olive bread was WONDERFUL!! Ryan had it just out of the oven when I returned from my Russian class. I ate almost the WHOLE loaf. It was so good. Thanks Ryan!

Luke said...

Get my address from Mom and mail me some ASAP!! Looks delicious

One Krazy Momma said...

I want some! Holy cow, Ryan!

Anonymous said...

This looks sooooooo good!